Uh Oh

Uh Oh. Everything at our house is now an Uh Oh. When we took this picture of him in his sandbox after a hard rain, that was an Uh Oh, but that was before he could actually say the words. Now, if that happened again, we would definitely know! Uh Oh is just one of many of the words that Braxton has been mastering lately. It seems like a few weeks ago he just started talking. And his vocabulary grows every day. OK, so there's a lot of "clarification" needed when talking to people that don't see him often, but we know what he's saying :).
Like I said, Uh Oh is the most frequent. Uh Oh when food falls off of the table, Uh Oh when he falls down, Uh Oh when the shoe comes off. But, we also have words like mama, dada, baba, puppup (puppy), ba (ball), and lello (yellow). Braxton is also learning his animal sounds. Though the entourage is a bit mumbled, we have a puppy, kitty, cow, horse, sheep, and duck running around our house. Along with all of the "real" words, we spend a lot of time enjoying the "Braxton language" that he has developed. All kinds of strange noises come out and his tongue moves all over the place. And he's learned to make 00000 shapes and click his tongue.
Along with the words he can say, it is amazing to see all of the words that he understands. Tonight, I asked him to find his blankie, and he went right to it. He knows Ready Set Go and 1-2-3. Though I think I should count my blessings while I can - he has not learned the infamous "NO!". :)


Anonymous said…
You guys are going to have to watch your words carefully around him now!
Katie said…
Too cute! Maddie's favorite word is Uh-Oh, too!

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