Baby, it's cold outside
Yesterday, Braxton and I had the luxury of spending the whole day at home together. I had taken the day off to enjoy a long weekend (being that today is Veteran's day). After his nap, I decided to see how he enjoyed being bundled in all of his "gear". This is the first time he had EVERYTHING on - the boots, the snowpants, the big coat, the hat, the gloves. Boy, was he a sight! You know the Christmas Story, where the little kid falls over in his snowsuit and can't get up? Yeah, that really happens :). Braxton bent over in the entryway and leaned a little too far forward and got stuck!! I tried not to laugh, but boy, was that cute!
Well, as usual, Braxton just LOVED being outside. Unfortunately, for some reason he didn't think he could walk. So, I had to carry him everywhere. We mostly just sat in the snow and threw snowballs to Chance. He thought it was just HILARIOUS to see her jumping up in the air trying to catch 'em. That being said, he thinks everything Chance does is pretty hilarious, so it was no surprise :). I then tried to get him to help me sweep off the driveway, but the no-walking thing kind of got in the way of that. So, we went in to warm up our little pink noses!