My Fish-Jacket

Over the 4th of July, our family headed to Alexandria, MN, to spend the weekend with the Hunt/Perkins family (all 20-25 of them!). And, boy did we have a good time. We were so lucky to spend the weekend on the lake, eating, swimming, boating, watching fireworks, etc. We arrived Friday evening. That night, Braxton had his first boat ride. After that, he was sold. He spent a good majority of the weekend in the boat watching all the big kids ski and tube and helping everyone else drive the boat. If he wasn't doing that, he was either sleeping or eating (or being kinda crabby cause he wasn't doing enough of either!). Saturday night, we drove the pontoon over to watch the fireworks, which he also had a blast doing - "Mommy, where'd the fireworks go?" (just keep watching) "Mommy, clap your hands!" (oook...) "Mommy, clap your hands again!" (sure thing...).
Obviously, Braxton is now a man of the water. Which is obvious by the fact that from the time of the first ride Friday evening to getting loaded up to come home, he wore his lifejacket. He wore it in the boat, in the house, in the yard, everywhere. He took it off long enough to change clothes, and then it went back on. He fell asleep in it. The only way we could get it off is wait until he feel asleep and then pry it off of him. Though he was hot as could be, and couldn't really turn his head any more, that meant nothing to him, as long as he had his "fish-jacket" on. Every time I would ask if he wanted it off, he would say "No, fish jacket ON!" Good enough...
Now this week, on to water sport #2 - swimming lessons! Should be interesting.
(On the other front, no Independence Day baby for us. Still holding in there. I have pictures I will put up when I get a chance.)


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