I'm a cowboy, baby

I wanna be a Cowboy baby - Ridin' at night 'cause I sleep all day

Cowboy baby - I can smell a pig from a mile away

Last weekend, I talked Jon and the boys into going to Walmart with me.  As Kyler and I dutifully picked out the groceries, Jon says "Braxton and I will be right back".  Well, about 20 minutes later, here comes Jon, and behind him, Braxton, walking like he had something in his pants.  Well, looking a bit further down, I discover that Braxton is wearing his very own pair or cowboy boots.  They both look at me with puppy dog eyes, and say "pleeeease??".  That's the last time I let the two of them out of my sight at Walmart!

Well, since that day, Braxton will ONLY wear the boots.  And he has inherited two of his daddy's old cowboy hats.  Twice this week, he went to daycare with his hat (and of course the boots) on.  The ladies at daycare now call him "cowboy".  And Braxton has assured me that Kyler, too, will be a cowboy "when he gets big".

Thursday, when I picked him up, I handed him his cowboy hat that was patiently waiting for him above his coat cubby.  You could tell that he was excited to tell me something.  As I am putting on his coat, he is gathering his thoughts.  And then he says to me - "Mom, I'm going to put on this hat.  And then I will be a cowboy.  And then I'm going to ride horsies.  And bulls.  And I'm going to chase pigs.  And then the pigs will fall in the mud!". We both laughed so hard, we could hardly get out the door.  What a kid!


Anonymous said…
That is hilarious - what a great kid (well kids!) and so funny that Jon wanted him to have his own pair of boots too!! It's the little things in life that make us so happy :)

April Corell

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