
For Christmas, Braxton was extra lucky to be given a very cool "Cars" tent and sleeping bag from Uncle Dave and Aunt Sarah.  We set it up in the living room the day he got it.  Shortly thereafter, he started sleeping in it.  First, it was for naps on the weekends.  Pretty soon, he wanted to sleep in it at night.  So, ok...  Finally, he would ONLY sleep in it.  So, we moved it into his room.  And that is where he's "camped out" ever since.  He keeps all of his gear close by, including his blankies, his books, a few stuffed animals, a flashlight, and whatever else he comes across that he thinks could be useful.  Today was the first day he mentioned sleeping in his bed again, but when it came down to it, back into the tent he went.  So, there he will be until who knows when...


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