Six Month Pictures

What a little man we have!  To believe that Kyler is already six months old!  The last six months have just flown by.  He's continuing to grow, as all little babies will.  He is sitting, and scooting a bit, rolling, and playing.  He laughs all the time now, cries when you leave the room, and da-da-da's with the best of them.  He enjoys spending time in his bouncer and has outgrown his first carseat.  He has his "best girl" at daycare - Chelsie (one of his caregivers) has got him wrapped around her finger.  He just melts when she's around.  When he was in for his six month check up, he came in at 18 pounds.  This was about in the 75th percentile.  His height was in the 95th, if I recall... 

He remains the apple of his brother's eye, and (to his dismay at times) the focus of much of Braxton's attention.  Braxton talks to Kyler ALL the time.  Sings him ABCs, pulls his paci in and out, tells him stories, and repeats EVERYTHING that he hears us say to Kyler - "It's OK, baby.  You're fine, honey.  I love you, Kyler."  Braxton also enjoys giving me a play by play of Kyler's activities - "Mom, Kyler's sleeping.  Oh, now he's awake.  Mom, Kyler's happy.  Oh, now he's sad.  He's crying, Mom.  Now he's laughing at me!".  And the nicknames continue to grow - "Kyler-Kyler", "Kyler Paulie", Kylerio", "Kyler-baby", etc, etc.  Wow.  I can only imagine what this duo will be like in a few years... :)


JetsMama said…
Tonya - I love the picture! Did you take them? Thanks for keeping us updated. I love reading your posts!
fac said…
Oooh so wonderful! Great pictures Tonya...keep up the cool shots! I can't wait to see you all again. Love ya all,
Auntie Faye

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