In The Potty!
Kyler peed in the potty for the first time last night! Yeah! He is officially 2 years old, and 18 days. Let it be forever marked in the record books...
So, yes, I do realize that this may have been a one time event and he may not go again for another two, or heck, six months, but this is exciting none-the-less. I was downstairs doing laundry when I start hearing this LOUD clapping, jumping, shouting (this was Jon and Braxton :). Jon was getting him ready for bed. Took off his diaper, and Kyler apparently told Jon that he had to "go potty". So, he sat down on the little musical potty chair that we have been keeping in the living room for just that purpose, and he WENT! Jon said Kyler looked as surprised as could be and it took him a few seconds to realize what he had actually done. But then, he was jumping around with everyone else, clapping, giving hi-fives, and a few "woo-hoos". After the celebration died down a bit, he had to praise the man that did all the real work - he looked down, pointed his finger down, looked at me with a big grin, and said... "wiener". Yep, way to go big guy ;).