Conversations in the Car (Part 2)
So, I am starting to think that I could start a blog simply named "Conversations in the Car". Wow, is it amazing the things that we talk about! I learn so much about Mr. Braxton and what he thinks about things listening to that little voice behind my head. And it seems, as of late, these conversations have focused on girls in one way or another. I do believe that my son, at 4 years old, has caught some version of the love bug! Yesterday, we were driving to Dairy Queen to celebrate his last night of Mighty Mites Basketball. It has been so fun to watch him start to learn some of those basketball fundamentals. He has been doing 4 year old versions of dribbling, defense, scrimmaging, and even has made a "hoop" or two every night. So, anyway, as we are driving to DQ, out of nowhere he says to me, "Ms. Zooley is a pretty girl" (Ms. Zooley is one of his daycare providers). "Yes", I say "Ms. Zooley IS a pretty girl." Quiet... Braxton, in a kind of sing-song whisper - "I think that every day".