Etta Stinks!

I just want to take a brief moment to mark something down.  Something that Etta can read in about fifteen years and get embarrassed :).  One of those stories that people tell about you for your whole life that you never live down.  Or maybe just to write it down to remind her brothers so they can tease her mercilessly.  I preface this with saying it's a little gross.  If you get creeped out by weird bodily functions, best not to read.  But here we go -

Etta STINKS.  Her farts smell BAD.  Like BAD bad.  Like what-in-the-H-E-double-hockey-sticks was that!?!?  And they have for a long time.  We are not talking "Oh, phew, baby" kind of stink.  We are talking clear-the-room stink.  And stay cleared for a good while stink.  It starts out with this little rumble.  Innocent enough.  Very baby-appropriate.  And then about 10 seconds later, POW.  It is a stinky fart like I have never smelled before.  NEVER before, after three kids, have I smelled that.  And it is almost daily!  And why?  I have no idea.  She has had nothing but breast milk.  And I don't eat some weird, stink-provoking diet.  But none-the-less, there she is, stinking up the whole flippin' house with her STINK STINK STINKY (albeit cute) little butt.

There you go, Etta.  Trust me, I'm sure your dad and I won't forget :).  I love you stink-butt!


Lisa said…
Good thing she's so flipping cute! This is going to be a tough one to live down.

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