Random Typing

As I sit here in a quiet household, getting a little "mommy time" on the computer, I realized I haven't posted anything this month.  Not that there isn't anything going on, but because there is so much going on.  I don't have any new photos to share, but just thought I would ramble for a  few minutes.  Give everyone some insight into what happens in my mind on a day to day basis!

Tonight was hair cut night.  If anyone has ever been the primary hair-cutter for a family of three boys, you know that this is a bit of an undertaking.  The boys are all looking pretty spiffy now, if I do say so myself.  And I have a nice pile in the garbage of brown, red, and dark blonde hair. 

This past weekend, the kids were busy staying out of the house as I took my long weekend to paint the house.  I painted the kitchen/dining/living room and the entry way.  It is pretty different as it went from a gold color to gray.  I have new curtains sitting in the box waiting to get hung.  Once that is done, I'll have an entirely "new" house.  I think this should be enough painting until we make our big move.  Jon and I are already talking about all of our plans for our new house.  We signed off on our land purchase just last week.  We are now the proud owners of our little piece of the countryside.  Country living, here we come.  Ok, it's only 5 miles from town, and paved all the way, but it's still "rural" :).  Granted, it will likely be several years before we actually build our dream house.  But it is fun to start dreaming! 

Otherwise, I hope all is well with everyone.  The larger Perkins crew is heading to Fargo on Friday to be contestants in the traveling Price Is Right.  So, hopefully next time you talk to me I will be the proud owner of a new blender or something... :)


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