Soccer Fall 2013

This year, I took a (rather large) leap of faith and coached Braxton's soccer team.  I actually was wanting to coach Kyler's preschool team (what do they REALLY need to know about soccer anyways?), but they didn't need any parent volunteers. So, I coached Braxton's 6-8 year old team.  And, amazingly, had a pretty great time!  Though I don't think we won a single game (don't tell Braxton - they don't keep score and he's pretty sure they won at least half), we had a great time.  And all the boys did a great job, playing their hearts out.  And Kyler rocked pre-school soccer.  He actually practiced with Braxton's team several times, so he had a bit of a head start.  And we have spent many evenings playing "soccer practice" in the front yard.  Oh, and they both had the cutest cheerleader ever, as you can see :).


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