Back to School
Well, this was the big week! Back to school week! A pretty big week for everyone in the Perkins household. I was lucky enough to have the week off of work so that I could be there for every big moment, without having to stress about getting to work on time. (Next week, well that will be another story :)
On Monday, we were able to drop Braxton off for his first day of 2nd grade. Hard to believe that he is getting SO big. His locker is now way down the hall, by the BIG kids :(. But, as always, he is loving it. He is such a "school" kid, and he transitioned into the schedule great. He has started his TAG (Talented And Gifted) program this week as well. We are so proud of how hard he works! And he has taken Kyler under his wing. It's amazing to me how they can fight and bicker like crazy right before we leave for school, and then turn around and be the best of buds when they are walking in. Kyler even got a little handhold yesterday.
Monday was also Etta's first day back to daycare. She didn't really share her brothers' excitement for going back to school ;). Day one went pretty well. I think she didn't really know what she was getting herself into. She walked in with a little hesitancy, but stuck it out all day. The next three days, not so well. We had some crying, some whining, some clinging, some desperate calls for her brothers as they headed out of the car and into school. You see, Etta LOVED her summer. She was able to stay home with her favorite people in the world - her big brothers. And she followed them everywhere they went, did (or tried to do) everything they did. And she fell in love with Allison, our summer nanny. She and Allison grew very close, and so not having her is a little tough on Etta. But today, day 5, she was able to walk in without a tear. And I'm sure by next week, she will be back in the swing of things. I really like the ladies that are in Etta's room, and Etta knows them from last year. So, she will do great. But obviously, needs a little bit more time.
And last, but certainly not least, Mr. Kyler. Kyler took the big leap into Kindergarten on Wednesday. Jamestown is set up so that they use the first two days as "assessment" days for Kindergarteners. So, on Tuesday, after his "assessment", he and I headed to Bismarck for a little Kyler-Mommy time. We had a BLAST doing some shopping, eating at Space Aliens with Aunty Kerri, buying candy everywhere we went :). And then Wednesday was his big day. Dad even came home from work so that we could ALL walk Kyler in on his first day. And walk in we did. Just like he owned the place. And his report from the first day was - "It was great!" Neither of my boys are big talkers, so I kind of have to drag the information out of them, but best I can tell, he loved it. By day two, I was no longer allowed to walk him in. He just hopped out of the car with Braxton and strutted right in. Today, he did the same. But melted my heart when he turned around and gave me a huge wave and smile. He is going to do great!